How To: Install Your LinkedIn Insight Tag To Google Tag Manager
If you are a B2B brand and want to track your website engagement from LinkedIn better, you could use your unique LinkedIn Insight Tag and install this into your existing Google Tag Manager account. This way, you can start to see deeper insights about who’s visiting your site via LinkedIn – giving a better picture of the characteristics and attributes of potential B2B leads. LinkedIn is, by nature, where business people reside, and so this is a great source of valuable B2B data.
In our latest blog post, we outline a step-by-step approach for how to find your LinkedIn Insight Tag in the first place and then install it on Google Tag Manager.
OBJECTIVE 1: Find the LinkedIn Insight Tag
First things first, make your way over to your LinkedIn account. From the Main Navigation options, look for either ‘Advertise’ as an option, or you first should click on ‘Work’ and then find ‘Advertise’ in there as a sub-option. If this is your first time creating an Advertiser Account on LinkedIn, it will likely be a sub-option under ‘Work’ but if you have created an Advertiser Account previously, there should be an ‘Advertise’ button already there on the Main Navigation.
Once you click ‘Advertise’, this (below) is what the ‘New Advertiser’ sign-up page looks like. Note: you do not have to spend any money to create an Advertiser account and access and install the Insights Tag.
At this step, make sure your currency is set correctly (GBP in this case) and the right LinkedIn account, etc. is selected.
This will pop up next. Hit ‘Let’s get started’.
When this comes up next, just click ‘Check it out’ to skip through towards getting your ID Tag.
This below is what the initial page looks like inside LinkedIn Campaign Manager. At this stage, because you do want to actually set up an ad campaign yet, you can just click the ‘Campaign Manager’ link in the top left-hand corner to take you away from here and over to the Ad Account homepage.
Below is the Ad Account homepage. Here, go to the left-hand side menu and select ‘Analyze’ and then ‘Insight tag’.
Then, inside the ‘Insight tag’ section, hit the blue ‘Create Insight Tag’ button.
Click the ‘I will use a tag manager’ option at the next stage seen below.
Under ‘I will use a tag manager’, you can find exactly what you have been looking for: the 7-digit long ‘Your partner ID’ number. Click this to copy it to your clipboard.
Then underneath, in the section ‘Link to tag manager’ click the ‘Google Tag manager’ link on the right side.
This will take you to a help guide on LinkedIn that outlines step-by-step how to ‘Add the LinkedIn site-wide Insight Tag to Google Tag Manager’. This breaks down exactly how to install the ID Tag number that you’ve just copied.
OBJECTIVE 2: Install the LinkedIn Insights Tag to Google Tag Manager
Below is a screenshot of the stepped help guide.
From this point, click the link to your own existing account, sign in, and follow the rest of the steps to ultimately install the LinkedIn Insights Tag to begin tracking your site.
This is an example below of Step 5, where you have searched for the ‘LinkedIn Insight Tag 2.0’ Template and can now click ‘Add to Workspace’ on the top right corner and follow the rest of the guidance.
Objective 3: Check if The LinkedIn Tag Is Now Tracking Your Site
The best way to check this is by installing a plugin to your search engine – in our case Google Chrome. The following plugin is ideal for this type of check: Google Tag Assistant Legacy
Once this is installed, simply go on your website homepage and click the Google Tag Assistant Legacy plugin, ‘Enable’ it, then hit ‘Record’. Click CTRL, Shift, R on your keyboard to refresh the page. Click the plugin symbol (below) and here you’ll be able to observe the LinkedIn Tag Manager successfully running.
Importantly: once this is all installed, you will first have to allow 300 site visitors to build up via LinkedIn for it to then start providing you with the deeper user insights that you seek.
Get in touch with us if you need any other advice for setting all this up.